
Asunder: A Dark Fantasy RPG

Created by Adam Lawson

A tabletop RPG set in a dying world with no metal where humans have transformed plants and insects into living weapons.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

about 4 years ago – Fri, Jan 22, 2021 at 01:08:28 AM

Something very exciting landed in my email box today. Satine Phoenix is writing the foreword to the Asunder Seeker's Guide. She embodied a Pacarian for six sessions in our Asunder streaming series, GAIA'S JUDGEMENT, and she is now putting her permanent claw marks on the game. It is humbling to create something that a player/GM like her who has done so much in the world of RPG games is excited about and affected by. I can't wait for you to read her words. 

And on the note of Satine, I want to show off an amazing 5E supplement she was involved in, which I backed, called RED OPERA. It is a campaign setting and adventure for Warlocks (my favorite). The art is mind-blowing, the story is dark and sad (it's based on a heavy metal album - pretty cool), and the art is epic. Enjoy!

Pre-Order Now

about 4 years ago – Fri, Jan 08, 2021 at 11:49:40 PM


Happy New Year! I will keep updates brief to save your inbox, but I wanted to share our first minis proof back from the factory. We are racing to get as many done as we can before Chinese New Year (fingers crossed). Here is the most intense mini we unlocked, the Devourer. It is 5.25 inches tall and an impressive sight. You can see all of the incredible details from scaring on his body to the teeth in the skulls on his belt.  More to come!

Devourer Mini - 5.25 Inches Tall or 129mm

about 4 years ago – Tue, Dec 29, 2020 at 12:39:19 PM


Merry Christmas and happy New Year! we have already begun constructing the molds for the minis and are deep in proofreading all of the written content. We are going to keep this engine going hot.

For those who missed the campaign, the pre-order store is live. You can find it here: 


or by going to the Kickstarter page and clicking on the link. 


about 4 years ago – Thu, Dec 24, 2020 at 02:22:31 AM


I am pumped and humbled and overwhelmed all at once. The campaign was a complete success! It has been an incredible month. Six years of work all coming together. The feedback and support from all of you have given this trying year a bright lining of hope.  The RPG community is a miraculous thing.

You all should enjoy this holiday and I am going to start getting this game delivered to our factory. Going forward, I will be doing two updates a month (or if something major happens, we will do another). One to share more of the art and game and the other to update you on the production status. The digital goods will deliver first and I am going to make sure every one of you has those by March as we promised.

We are going to have a pre-order store open soon you can access throughr the KS page in case you were following along and didn't get a chance to back during the campaign. The pledge manager will be going out in the new year.

Merry Christmas,

Adam Lawson

about 4 years ago – Tue, Dec 22, 2020 at 10:17:29 PM


The final mini is unlocked! Wow! What an amazing day. All who backed the Keeper's Path will get this epic 129mm Devourer. That is nine highly-detailed minis coming your way!  Thank you for taking a journey in the world of Asunder. I cannot wait to hear the stories you are going to tell. 

If you were waiting to see how many minis were unlocked before jumping on, the answer is known. You get them all!  Get in while you can. Once the game moves into pre-order, the minis will only be sold separately and not included in the Keeper's Path.

NOTE: During the pledge manager, the PVC and STL minis will be available for purchase for any tier.


Indie looks out for indie and I wanted to share a campaign I just backed and thought you might like, THE RED OPERA. It is a dark and gripping 5E setting where warlocks reign eternal, which is the class I have been playing for two years in my home game. The book design is haunting and artistic and if you like dark RPGs (which you know I do), I would give it a look. 

Get The Red Opera!