
Asunder: A Dark Fantasy RPG

Created by Adam Lawson

A tabletop RPG set in a dying world with no metal where humans have transformed plants and insects into living weapons.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

about 4 years ago – Thu, Nov 19, 2020 at 06:23:08 PM

The world of Asunder is now alive!

I have spent my life playing RPGs and then six-years making this one. I was choked up this morning to see it funded in one day. I am overwhelmed and overjoyed. Thank you all.

But enough about me and more about what that means for you! You and your gaming group can now venture into a dying world with no metal and seek answers lost by time and deceit. I cannot wait to start hearing your stories and the adventures you undertake. If you have not downloaded the high-res maps or the first chapter of the novel, I would recommend it. It is an exciting to way to start exploring.

Now, let's get to those minis, right?! So, to clear the air on those. They are 100% complete in their digital form only, but mold costs are crazy expensive, and that's why they are stretch goals because we are only half-way through the process of paying for them. We have 9 to unlock, and you can see the first three on the campaign page. We need your help and your friends help to get us there. 

Spread the word and prepare for a Chaos beast to be lurking.  Like what happened to this guy.

about 4 years ago – Thu, Nov 19, 2020 at 06:22:42 PM

We see on day one, a few folks missed there were specific pledge tiers that included the free campaign module. If you backed day one, the good news is whether or not you chose the right pledge tier, we will make sure you get the PDF campaign module. Thank you all for backing. The world of Asunder is truly coming to life.

Those minis are coming into view!

Thank you,

Adam Lawson