A tabletop RPG set in a dying world with no metal where humans have transformed plants and insects into living weapons.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
almost 4 years ago
– Wed, Feb 24, 2021 at 10:31:04 PM
Many of you have been getting your digital goods today and I am so pumped for you to start reading. I realize we needed to include the maps as their own hi-res files so you can use them more effectively. The great Andrew Law built them and there is detail for days. I just sent them out via digital distribution and hope you enjoy them.
Mainland Map
World Map
almost 4 years ago
– Mon, Feb 22, 2021 at 06:04:08 PM
We are ahead on digital goods delivery and are ready to ship this week. You will see an email was sent out for a final notice to lock orders. For us to deliver digital goods through BK, orders must be locked. So, please fill out surveys if you have not.
Everyone who backed, either print or digital, will be receiving digital goods of some kind so it's going to be like Christmas. This will include both sourcebooks, the campaign module, Keeper's screen, novel, and the STL files (for those who added them on).
almost 4 years ago
– Mon, Feb 22, 2021 at 07:32:45 AM
We have a new, SUPER RAD, streaming show going down with the Mercs of Mischief and a world-class cast. You can watch it through the links below on Wed Feb 24th 5:30pPST/8:30p EST. We will be doing monthly one-shots on the last Wednesday of the month with the same casts, so there is never a backlog to get through. Cast includes:
From a production standpoint, we are putting the final touches on the digital goods right now. The novel is 100% and ready to roll, the STL minis are 100%, the campaign module is 100%, and the Keeper's Tome and Seeker's Guide are getting their last pass of grammar proofing notes implemented. Hope to have them to you very soon!
about 4 years ago
– Fri, Feb 05, 2021 at 10:34:35 PM
We have some amazing news! The amazing Amy Vorpahl is writing the foreword to the Keeper's Tome. I call her the mother of Asunder because she "birthed" this game into the world when she played it on Good Time Society. She is the very first of the many Keepers to come. She even wrote an incredible document on secrets, which is being incorporated into the Keeper's Tome. They are a game mechanic in Asunder where the Keeper gives a player (or a Seeker) secret before the game session that is theirs to reveal during play. This could be a past relationship, an item, or elements of a dream. The player gets to reveal it when they feel the time is right and get a Seeker Point for doing so. This gives some of the storytelling power into the Seeker's hands, deepens their engagement, and takes a little weight off the Keeper's shoulders. It also opens the door for unexpected twists.
On a production note, the smoke test went out today (62 of you got surveys) and the rest of the surveys will be going out on Monday, Feb 8th. For those who maybe only stepped $1 into the world, this is your chance to dive in because the water is warm.
On the topic of streaming, I am running an Asunder live stream on the Mercs of Mischief YouTube and Twitch channel. The streams will be monthly one-shots with the same cast of characters. They will air on the last Wednesday of the month and will start on Feb 25th. You can see our first one here. Autumn Ivy will be replacing Dingo and I will have a better background in the future. Enjoy!
about 4 years ago
– Thu, Jan 28, 2021 at 02:13:32 PM
As you know, we added three maps to the campaign module, one for each adventure. Thanks to you awesome backers! They are beautiful, and I think really take you into the world. Here is a sneak peek at the map of Briston, a mushroom village on the outskirts of the great city of Hyden. This is where the first adventure is set! I made it downloadable (for now) so anyone on this update list can grab a high-res version to use in their own campaigns whether for this adventure or another. Enjoy!
As for production, we are deep in the final touches on the books, and are sorting the molds for the minis. All good stuff. We are pushing to get digital rewards out ASAP and the pledge manager surveys out next week.